
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Homework for Week of April 6-9

Please return UBC field trip notices and $11.00 ASAP. Thank you!

Speeches -
all speech cards must be complete by this Friday. On Friday, we will be working in small groups to become more comfortable with speaking before an audience. We will also provide an opportunity for those students who wish to try for the school-wide competition to present in front of the whole class before Tuesday, when we begin presenting speeches to be graded.

Math - we had a Symmetry quiz today. No homework for Friday.

Spelling - quiz on homonyms/homophones (yes, again!) on Friday - if one word in the set is spelled incorrectly, no marks will be given. Study hard--practice!

If you are not done writing the sentences below in your LAWS book, these are due on THURSDAY.

Spelling words and sample sentences

Desert – He wandered through the desert for 5 years.
Dessert – For dessert, we had apple pie and ice cream.

Accept – I can’t accept this money from you.
Except – I like all kinds of vegetables except broccoli.

Whether – I don’t know whether to go or stay.
Weather – We are having terrible weather this week.

Through – Just go through those trees to get to the park.
Threw – My brother threw a ball to our dog.
Thorough – You need to do a thorough job of cleaning your room.

Who’s – Who’s going to take me to school?
Whose – Whose mess is this?

Than – I am taller than my Dad.
Then – I saw the ghost, then I screamed!

Allowed – I am allowed to come over today!
Aloud – Please read your poem aloud to the class.

Morning – Good morning!
Mourning – Canuck fans are in mourning every spring.