
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Homework due Friday, March 26

Speech outline - yellow sheet - subtopic details should be completed and yellow sheet returned to school by THURSDAY (to ensure that everyone has their work at school on Friday)
- speech does not have to be written in paragraph form yet - we will work on this on Friday

The speeches are written in essay format - ie. introduction, subtopics, conclusion.

It will be at LEAST 2 weeks before we begin presenting speeches formally. Until then, it's practice practice practice!

If you need a new copy of the speech outline, click the links below (prints in LEGAL size paper):
Page 1
Page 2

Math - symmetry - first design on dot paper must be COMPLETED

Spelling - quiz on homonyms/homophones on Friday - if one word in the set is spelled incorrectly, no marks will be given. Study hard--practice!

Also 5 challenge words.